Friday, December 27, 2019
How to Prep Your Resume for Automated Resume Scanners
How to Prep Your Resume for Automated Resume ScannersHow to Prep Your Resume for Automated Resume ScannersSure, the ultimate goal is to attract a hiring managers attention. But in many cases, your application wont even reach human eyes until it gets past an electronic gatekeeper. Resume scanners, often referred to as applicants tracking systems (ATS), help employers weed through the vast number of resumes they receive in order to highlight candidates who appear most promising. Learn to make friends with ansicht resume robots by taking the following actions to prepare your resume for success.Heres how to prep your resume for automated resume scanners1. Keep the layout simple.Software cannot scan what it cannot read. Be sure your resume doesnt become a jumbled mess by sticking to a plain-text version for online applications. Considerations includeAvoiding formattingSelecting traditional section headers that can be understood by all systemsDeleting pretty, but potentially error-producin g, extras such as logos and picturesChoosing a normal font, such as Courier or Times New Roman, instead of a fancy oneSpelling everything correctly2. Be aware of keywords.Simply put, resume scanners know what theywant. Failure to include the magic words and phrases theyhave been programmed to favor puts an applicant on the fast track to rejection. Dont waste time submitting a generic resume you need specific matches.It is VITAL that you capitalize on the keywords and concepts mentioned in the job description, says career coach Jeff Adams of Charlotte Works. Software typically runs two algorithms in its search one is keywords the other is how often they show up in the text. As a job seeker, its most advantageous for you to not only mention or use keywords in your profile or summary, but incorporate them throughout your resume so that youll have a much stronger presence whether being read by a person or by software.3. Keep real people in mind, too.The tricky part, however, becomes cra fting the resume in such a way that it doesnt simply become a laundry list of keywords. What an automated resume scanner could potentially love, an actual person will quickly dismiss as being stacked just to get through.Job hunters need to be awareof important keywords for the industry they are in. However, these keywordsare not to just be thrown in and sprinkled everywhere on a resume andapplication. This could actually hurt their chances. The number of keywords and the placement need to be strategic in order to produce the most results, says Kelly Keating, co-owner of Red Letter Resumes LLC.To balance both the requirements of resume scanners and the interest of human readers, aim to place keywords where they naturally would fall. Varying a root sometimes works (such as blog being used as blogger or blogging). Intersperse appropriate synonyms to help flow and to let hiring managers know youve thought about your presentation beyond keywords. Provide stories, descriptions, and solid evidence to give the resume substance. Remember, pleasing an automated scanner gets you a look, but pleasing an employer gets you a job.Looking for more ways to customize your resume? Check out our resume tipsReaders, do you prep your resume for resume scanners and applicant tracking systems? What processes have worked best for you? Share with us below
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Air Force Technical School Training Restrictions
Air Force Technical School Training RestrictionsAir Force Technical School Training RestrictionsRestrictions on what you can or canelend do continue after Air Force Basic Military Training (AFBMT) when you arrive at your technical school for job training. Like the other services, the Air Force uses a leiter system. Air Force Technical School ls As airmen advance in each of the five phases, they receive more privileges. The leiter Program begins on the day the recruit arrives at the technical school and (in most cases) ends when an airman graduates technical training and proceeds to their first permanent duty assignment. General Air Force Technical School Restrictions Some of the restrictions are obvious no tobacco use on base while in uniform, for instance. If you relocate because of academic reclassification or to attend follow-on training courses, you continue in phase progression from the day you left the last training locations. Youll receive an initial orientation briefi ng. You are leid allowed in dormitory rooms of the opposite sex until after l IIIwhen it may be authorized so long as the doors stay open. If you are single or unaccompanied, you are not allowed to rent or visit lodgings either on or off base in the local area. You may be able to get written permission to visit, eat with or stay overnight with your immediate family or spouse. You cannot attend off-duty educational programs or off-duty employment while assigned to a technical training squadron, except for programs approved by the Air Force. You must carry your military ID at all times. And leave is not generally granted during technical school, except over the period between Christmas and New Years Day, when much of the technical school will be shut down. Dormitory Standards The following general dormitory standards apply to all phases of training. Additional restrictions are imposed, based on the specific phase of training. All personnel entering or leaving a bay or floor of the o pposite gender must announce themselves by stating Male (or female) entering (or leaving) the bay (or floor). In dormitories with central latrines, an escort must be sent to ensure the latrine is clear before entering. Before entering the room of an Airman, personnel must knock once and make their presence known. The doorwill remain open when two people (or more) are in the room. Except in an emergency, any person entering the dormitory who is not assigned to the MTF or identified on a locally developed access list must have an escort. NPS Airmen must lock the doors to their rooms andadjoininglatrines while they are sleeping or when their rooms are unoccupied. No drug or alcohol use is allowed, and no pornographic images are permitted in the dormitories. Fireworks and firearms are forbidden, and pets are not allowed. Specific Phase I Restrictions Phase I runs from arrival at the initial Air Force technical training base through the 28th calendar day after arrival. These restrict ions ease Airmen from the strict environment of basic military training to the disciplined environment of academic, technical training.Airmen must remain on base at all times. Training/operations group commanders may make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Alcohol is prohibited. You must wearyourmilitary uniformboth on and off duty but may wear civilian attire inside your dormitory room, and obey curfew rules, which vary by base. You must eat three meals per day on weekdays at the base dining facility. You cant drive a private motor vehicle, but you can ride in one so long as it is not to or from school. Yourroom will be inspecteda minimum of once per week, and inspections wont be on the saatkorn day. Airmen may use a personal electronic device (cell phone, MP3 player,etc.) inside the dormitory during nonduty hours only.Air Force Technical School Training RestrictionsTo progress from one phase to another, an airman must remain in the phase for the prescribed number of days, must pa ss the prescribed fitness test (except from phase I to phase II), and must be rated by their Military Training Leader (MTL) as at least Satisfactory using the following scale UnsatisfactoryThe Airman does not meet the required standards of uniform wear and grooming, demonstrate an understanding of proper military customs and courtesies, participate as a follower, obey ordershttps//, or follow team leaders. The Airman does not meet the established physical readiness training (PRT) standards. SatisfactoryThe Airman meets required standards of uniform wear and grooming, demonstrates an understanding of proper military customs and courtesies, participates as a follower, obeys orders, and follows the team leader. The Airman meets the established PRT standards. ExcellentThe Airman has excellent grooming, a sharp military image, and courtesies, is highly motivated and dedicated to the team mission and other memb ers, and primarily functions as a follower, but also occasionally volunteers to fill a leadership role. The Airman exceeds the established PRT standards. SuperiorThe Airman has impeccable grooming and uniform wear, pays superb attention to details, is a role model who inspires others, is an outstanding self-starter with a positive attitude, sacrifices his or her own comfort to ensure team success, and consistently shows leadership ability. The Airman far exceeds the established PRT standards. Specific Phase Restrictions Phase I - Phase I runs from arrival at the training site through the 28th calendar day. Airmen in Phase I are transitioning from a strictly controlled BMT environment into a structured technical training atmosphere of military discipline and academics. As such, these Airmen require close supervision and continuous reinforcement and inspection of standards. During Phase I, Airmen Will remain on station Will not purchase, possess, or consume alcohol. Will wear appr opriate uniforms on and off duty, except when they are in their dormitory room.Will adhere to a daily curfew of 2200 (1000 PM)to 0400 (400 AM). Airmen assigned to afternoon-shift training will adhere to a daily curfew of 0130 (130 AM) and a curfew of 2200 (1000 PM) on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. (Holiday hours are the same as weekend hours.) EXCEPTION Afternoon-shift Airmen on Sheppard AFB will adhere to a daily curfew of 0230 (230 AM) and a curfew of 2200 (1000 PM) on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. Will eat three meals per day, Monday through Friday, in a base dining facility.Will not operate a PMV. They may ride in a Private Motor Vehicle (PMV), but not during duty hours or to and from school.Will have their rooms inspected on a weekly basis, but not on the same day every week. These inspections will be documented and kept for a minimum of 30 days. Airmen must keep their rooms in accordance with local guidelines.Will make their beds with issue sheets and a bedspread or blanke t. Personalized bedspreads or comforters are not authorized. Will not hang pictures of any kind on the walls or lockers. musiknote Pictures in a frame, no larger than 8 inches by 10 inches, may be displayed on the Airmans desktop, but must not be of a sexually explicit or degrading nature.May have an alarm clock or radio alarm clock on their nightstand or desk.May not possess or use a television or stereo in their dormitory room. They may, however, use existing televisions or stereos located in dayrooms or common areas. Phase II - Phase II runs from the 29th calendar day through the 44th day. Phase II Airmen are expected to have increased their performance, appearance, and self-discipline. They still require reinforcement and inspection of standards, but are expected to be more responsible and are held to a higher accountability. During this phase, Airmen Will remain in uniform and on station during duty hours. If Airmen go off station, they will wear the appropriate blue uniform co mbination and may travel up to 25 milesWill not purchase, possess, or consume alcoholMay ride and operate a PMV, but not during duty hours or to and from schoolWill adhere to a daily curfew of 2200 to 0400 on Sunday through Thursday and 2400 to 0400 on Friday through Saturday. Airmen assigned to afternoon-shift training will adhere to a daily curfew of 0130 and a curfew of 2400 on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. (Holiday hours are the same as weekend hours.) EXCEPTION Afternoon-shift Airmen on Sheppard AFB will adhere to a daily curfew of 0230 and a curfew of 2400 on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays Will eat at least two meals per day, Monday through Friday, in a base dining facility.Will have their rooms inspected on a weekly basis, but not on the same day every week. These inspections will be documented and kept for a minimum of 30 days. Airmen must keep their rooms IAW local guidelinesbut may personalize their roomsIf married and the spouse resides in the local area, may move out o f the dormitory with a successful PT evaluation and the written approval of the squadron, det, or MTF commander. (EXCEPTION The commander may authorize this privilege at an earlier phase for hardship situations.) NPS Airmen allowed to reside out of the dormitory are not authorized a dormitory room and may operate a PMV to and from their residence to their squadron area. However, they will not drive to and from school unless otherwise authorized. TRG commanders may develop local guidance in an approved supplement to this instruction to be more restrictive regarding NPS off-base residency if local conditions warrant Phase III - Phase III runs from the 45th day through the 180th calendar day. Phase III Airmen have achieved a high level of knowledge and proficiency and are expected to act as role models for given standards. However, with greater privileges come greater responsibilities. Airmen are expected to professionally correct minor uniform, bearing, and general citizenship discre pancies. They will be held accountable and supervised commensurate with their time in service. During this phase, Airmen Will remain in uniform and on station during duty hours. They will not proceed outside the local area Monday through Friday. Any exceptions must be approved by the CMTL on a case-by-case basis. Airmen may travel up to 150 miles on weekends or holidaysMay consume alcohol if they are of legal age. However, alcohol will not be consumed between 1700 Sunday and 1700 Friday or at least 8 hours prior to duty. NOTE Aircrew members will comply with guidance on alcohol consumption IAW their mission design series (MDS)-specific AFI or AFI 11- 202, Volume 3,General Flight Rules, as applicable Will not possess or consume alcohol in the dormitory or immediate surrounding area. Those who choose to drink alcohol will do so responsibly and not bring discredit to the Air Force, in or out of uniformMay ride and operate a PMV, but not during duty hours or to and from school.Will adhe re to a daily curfew of 2200 to 0400 on Sunday through Thursday. Airmen assigned to afternoon-shift training will adhere to a curfew of 0130, but they do not have a curfew on Friday, Saturday, and holidays. (Holiday hours are the same as weekend hours.) EXCEPTION Afternoon-shift Airmen on Sheppard AFB will adhere to a daily curfew of 0230 and no curfew on Friday, Saturday, and holidays Will eat at least two meals per day, Monday through Friday, in a base dining facility.Will have rooms inspected at least twice a month and keep their rooms in accordance with (IAW) local base guidelines. (These inspections will be documented and kept for a minimum of 30 days. Airmen may personalize their rooms.)Who are identified as superior performers, possess a 90-percent or higher academic average, and have a fitness composite score of at least 90 points may be approved by the squadron commander for acceleration into Phase IV on the 120th day of training. (The squadron commander may delegate this a uthority to the squadron section or detachment commander.) Phase IV - Phase IV runs from the 181st calendar day through completion of Air Force specialty code (AFSC)-awarding training and departure for a duty assignment. (Aircrew member students will remain in Phase IV until successfully completing initial qualification training.) Because Phase IV Airmen have been in the Air Force for over 6 months, they are expected to be responsible mentors for newer Airmen. They should require very little supervision and only random spot checks for adherence to standards. Their knowledge and proficiency should rival that of a permanent party Airman, and they will be afforded privileges as such. Airmen who achieve Phase IV may be phased back only by the CMTL or higher. During this phase, Airmen Will remain in uniform during duty hours or official business. They will not proceed outside the local area Monday through Friday. Any exceptions will be approved by the CMTL on a case-by-case basis. Phas e IV Airmen have no travel restriction on weekends or holidays, but the CMTL or higher must approve a travel itinerary for distances over 300 milesMay consume alcohol after duty hours, in or out of uniform, if they are of legal age. However, they will not possess or consume alcohol in the dormitory or immediate surrounding area and will not consume alcohol at least 8 hours prior to duty. NOTE Aircrew members will comply with guidance on alcohol consumption IAW their MDS-specific AFI or AFI 11-202, Volume 3, as applicable Who choose to drink alcohol will do so responsibly and not bring discredit to the Air Force, in or out of uniformHave no restrictions on the use of PMVs. EXCEPTION They may not drive to and from school.Are exempt from curfew, but they must reside in the dormitory during the duty weekHave no restrictions on the number of meals they must eat in the dining facilityWill keep their rooms neat, orderly, and IAW their local base guidelines and be inspected once a month on a random basis. (These inspections will be documented and kept for a minimum of 30 days.) May frequent the Airmans club for professional, social, and entertainment purposes. NOTE Wing commanders may authorize Phase IV Airmen to use the base collocated or enlisted club Phase V - NOTE Phase V only applies to (1) Airmen in AFSCs 1N3XX and 1A8XX, and (2) Airmen at locations with unique situations who have received written approval. The group commander may grant Phase V after completion of at least 180 consecutive days in Phase IV. The phase will last through completion of all AFSC-awarding training and departure for a duty assignment. (The group commander may delegate this authority to squadron commanders.) The decision to progress to Phase V will not be based solely on time. Airmen must achieve a passing academic grade, not be on academic probation, and meet all PRT requirements. They are expected to take on greater roles in leadership and must continue to be an example and a role mode l for their peers. They will be provided with an atmosphere of respect, dignity, and professionalism, tempered with strict expectations of discipline. Airmen who achieve Phase V may be phased back only by the group commander or higher. During this phase, Airmen Will remain in uniform during duty hours or official business. They will not proceed outside the local area Monday through Friday. Any exceptions will be approved by the CMTL on a case-by-case basis. Phase V Airmen have no travel restriction on weekends or holidays, but the CMTL or higher must approve a travel itinerary for distances over 300 miles. The squadron commander or designated representative must approve any exceptionsMay consume alcohol after duty hours, in or out of uniform, if they are of legal age. However, they will not possess or consume alcohol in the dormitory or immediate surrounding area and will not consume alcohol at least 8 hours prior to duty. NOTE Aircrew members will comply with guidance on alcohol c onsumption IAW their MDS-specific AFI or AFI 11-202, Volume 3, as applicable Who choose to drink alcohol will do so responsibly and not bring discredit to the Air Force, in or out of uniformHave no requirement on the number of meals they must eat in the dining facility.Are exempt from curfewHave no restrictions on the use of PMVsWill keep their rooms neat, orderly, and IAW their local base guidelines and be inspected once a month on a random basis. (These inspections will be documented and kept for a minimum of 30 days.) May frequent the Airmans club and base collocated or enlisted club for professional, social, and entertainment purposes.Will be housed separately, when feasible, from Phase I through IV Airmen by the most appropriate means (different floor or wing of the building). Phase V Airmen may reside in permanent party and TDY dormitories if per diem and lodging costs are not incurredAre exempt from military training formations (EXCEPTIONS Weekly PRT session, monthly fitness evaluation, monthly room inspection, and one-time formations directed by the squadron commander) Will participate in an Airmans council facilitated by an MTL. Meetings will be held at least once a month and include selected briefings similar to those provided in the first term Airmen center. Phase V Airmen will also be encouraged to assist MTLs with mentoring Airmen and leading Phase I through III activities such as assisting Airmen duringin processing, leading safety briefings, etc. Remedial Military Training (MTR) RMT is assigned to those with discipline problems. Its a 12-hour session conducted on Saturday, Sundayor another non-training day. The goal of RMT is to rehabilitate and reenergize Airmen in technical training who need to be motivated or re-blued and to return them with a positive outlook and strong desire to succeed. This will be done by limiting their free time, providing additional military training, and reinforcing the importance of following directions and maint aining standards. A portion of this experience will be tailored around individualized counseling and mentoring with a focus on core values, character building, discipline, and the aerospace expeditionary force (AEF). RMT is a structured, intense, 1-day program for a maximum of 12 hours. Airmen will be entered into Phase I upon identification for RMT and remain in Phase I until successful completion. MTLs will conduct this program and be present for the entire RMT session. RMT will be conducted by the squadron,det, GSU, or OL personnel and only on nonduty days. sitzordnung of an Airman into RMT will be approved by the SMTL or higher. Once identified, the NPS Airman will attend the next scheduled RMT session. Assigning RMT to an entire group based on the deficiencies of one or a few individuals is not authorized. As a minimum, RMT will consist of the following two different uniform inspections, room or bay inspections, open wall locker inspections, PT (a run is not required), march to and from all activities, and sidestep through the dining facility servicing line. During inclement weather, drill may be replaced with academic study and PT will be conducted in the gym, if available. RMT Airmen may perform normal squadron duties and duties associated with CQ (for example, cleaning, taking out thetrash, dusting). However, they will not be the CQ or charge of quarters runner (CQR), answer phones, or perform security checks.ll not be the CQ or charge of quarters runner (CQR), answer phones, or perform security checks. NPS Airmen wishing to attend a church service will be excused for a short period to exercise that choice if no other timeframe is available. After successful completion of RMT, Airmen will return to the previous phase. Airmen who fail RMT will remain in Phase I until successful completion of the next scheduled RMT.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Bus Driver CV Example 2018s Top Sample
Bus Driver CV Example 2018s Top SampleBus Driver CV Example - 2018s Top SampleCreate this Resume ObjectiveSeeking the position of company driver in one of the fast-growing companies in the country and offer my driving skills to run company errands. My extensive knowledge in driving and deep understanding of driving and traffic regulations will be very helpful in performing my functions effectively as company driver.Personal InformationMichael Neary2124 Henry Ford AvenueTulsa, OK 74145(555)-373-7232m.nearysampleresume.netDate of Birth May 6, 1979Place of Birth Tulsa, OKCitizenship AmericanGender MaleProfile Summary Extensive and profound knowledge in traffic regulations Good troubleshooting skills Skilled in bus repairsEducationHigh School Diploma, 2002University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MIEmployment HistoryBus Driver, 2007 PresentBachelor Express, Saint Louis, MOResponsibilities Maintained the condition of brakes, tires, wipers, and lights. Maintained a record of daily trips an d submitted to the Head Office. Instructed the bus conductor concerning limitations on luggage capacities. Recorded the number of passengers that get on and off per Major Station. Ensured that the interiors of the bus are clean and in good shape such as seats, seat covers, and luggage racks.School Bus Driver, 2006 2007 Picked up and dropped off students from house to school and vice-versa. Complied with traffic rules and regulations. Ensured that the vehicle is in good running condition to avoid road mishaps and delays. Communicated with other school bus drivers for back-ups in the event of flat tires. Assisted student-passengers in crossing highways and busy streets.ResearchN/ATrainingTESDA Driving CertificateAwardPrompt Driver of all TimeProfessional MembershipAssociation of Bus Drivers inSkillsPhysically and mentally fit for long tripsExcellent knowledge in traffic regulationsGreat interpersonal communications Customize ResumeMore CV SamplesBiologist CV Bus Driver CV Clerk CV Co llege Professor CV
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Java Developers Do More Than Brew Up Code
Java Developers Do More Than Brew Up CodeJava Developers Do More Than Brew Up CodeJava developers are some of the hottest developers on the market right now. According to Nick Chlam, recruiting manager for Robert Half Technology, Java is one of the most popular programming languages, and skilled Java developers are in constant demand. As a result, there are many job openings available for Java developers.Like other software developers, Java developers are responsible for writing software such as desktop applications, websites and mobile apps. They also design and create engineering specifications for software programs and applications. Java developers work with quality assurance to develop software test plans and collaborate with hardware engineers to assess and test hardware and software interaction. They also implement specific development methodology and document software specifications.You can use the Robert Half Technology Salary Calculator to find salary information for develop ers specific to your city.What it takes to be a Java developerQualifications to become a Java developer includeProgramming skills in Java/Java Enterprise Edition and a database such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL ServerTypically, a minimum of two to three years of programming experienceBachelors degree in computer science or a similar field, or a two-year degree and practical experienceGood communication skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a development teamDetail-oriented and excellent problem-solving and analytical skillsFor recent graduates and current students, Chlam has some specific suggestions It is important to learn frameworks outside of core Java. The most common frameworks in demand are Spring MVC, Struts, Hibernate and Tapestry. You should also try to stay in touch with online development communities on GitHub or Stack Overflow. This will give your prospective employer the ability to see your work and to perceive you as someone who is passionate about development. Being able to include these skills on your Java developer resume will significantly improve your visibility in the job market.Java developers at workA good Java developer is more than a technical resource working in isolation. In fact, Java developers are expected to work closely with the rest of the organization. Chlam says, Developers need, now more than ever, excellent communication skills so they can work effectively with users and business executives. Technology runs business, and the two sides need to be in constant communication to ensure everything is running smoothly. Like many other tech roles, Java developers must keep ahead of the learning curve to increase their value. Always learn something new. You have to stay in touch with the current trends in development if you want to stay ahead of the job market, Chlam recommends.This post has been updated with more current information.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Most Common Personality Traits In Successful People
The Most Common Personality Traits In Successful People The Most Common Personality Traits In Successful PeoplePosted October 24, 2019, by JennyWhat makes someone successful? There is no simple answer to that question, of course, and if there was, chances are wed all be successful. There is often a blend of circumstance, a bit of luck, and the uniqueness of character. That said, as regards personality, there is a clear trend when it comes to the personality traits that successful people share. Here are those traitsSuccessful people are hardworkingThis is an obvious distributionspolitik to start, but there are almost no examples of people who got somewhere by being lazy or averse to hard work. Sure, there are people who were born into money, but any self-made person never became that way from shirking responsibility in terms of committing to the task. And often that means going above and beyond when the time comes. Sticking regimentally to the nine-to-five routine will make it infinit ely harder to get to where you want to be. Successful people recognise that early.Successful people are disciplinedWith hard work comes to discipline. Remote working is often cited as an area that people feel they would notlage achieve in due to the issue of self-discipline. For a successful person, this would simply not be an issue. In fact, more often than not, successful people suffer from being too self-disciplined, meaning they can find it hard to switch off from work. Its a fine line of course, but delaying until tomorrow what can be done today is not a mantra any successful person has lived by.Successful people arent afraid to failIt is often said that successful people are those who take risks, but that is not strictly true. That would mean, in essence, that those with a conservative nature will never be successful, but clearly that is a false philosophy as there are countless examples of those who have made it who are not inherent risk-takers as such. No, successful people are less afraid to fail or are at least willing to make failure a possibility. Chances are, if you point out a successful person to be, we will soon discover that there have been failures in his or her past. It is those failures that make us who we are we learn from our mistakes. People who are successful will take a risk as such in that they will not avoid something just because there is a possibility of failure. But that is not risk-taking either, which is something which could be construed as far more reckless, says Brodie Hunter, a career expert at Academized and AustralianHelp.Successful people are persistentFollowing swiftly on from the trait of not being afraid to fail is the fact that the majority of successful people are persistent. And it follows that if most successful people have failed in the past, then it was their willingness to try again that led to their ultimate success. Persistence is a virtue in business, and it will often help you get to where you want to be. Do nt ever give up is the message, states Natalie Lee, a business coach at Assignment Help Australia and EliteAssignmentHelp.Successful people see opportunitiesYou may exclaim that seeing opportunities is a skill, not a personality trait, but in order to see those opportunities, you often have to overlook the challenges, and that requires a strong degree of optimism. Even in failure, opportunities can be found, and that is something that successful people recognise, often due to the very nature of their character. The glass is half full people.Successful people are always looking to self-improveOften what drives a successful person is a desire to prove and better themselves. This may be mistaken for naked ambition (and its true that many successful people are fiercely ambitious), but ambition alone is not enough. It is the desire to continuously learn newthings, to gather the knowledge from others and to become better at what they do, not to mention explore new territory that character ises the majority of successful people. This is often the reason why successful individuals spot opportunities before others because their thirst for knowledge ensures they have their finger on the pulse. 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